Measure the impact of your grants program
Our data helps funders separate the signal from the noise. Instrument metrics to track cohorts of projects before, during, and after they receive funding.
Bridge off- and onchain impact effortlessly
Project Registry
Start with what you have. We can begin tracking a project's activity with just a single work artifact.
Robust Metrics
Access 100+ metrics, covering everything from onchain usage to developer activity and dependencies.
Dynamic Reporting
Get clean data via API, dashboards, or by connecting directly to our data warehouse.
Grants Optimization
Use insights to engage your community and improve grant effectiveness.
"Wow. Cool."
Molly Mackinlay
Case Studies


When Arbitrum launched its first grants program, we indexed over 300 open source projects and 13,000 code artifacts. Our report revealed insights on developer engagement and ecosystem growth, giving Arbitrum a foundation for tracking future impact.


We analyzed Gitcoin Grants' impact on open source developer activity over four years. Our study showed a clear link between grant funding and developer growth, highlighting the importance of Gitcoin's community-centric funding model.


We've tracked multiple cohorts of open source projects funded by Octant over successive funding rounds. Our coverage shows how Octant's funding has been instrumental in keeping these projects building during a choppy market.